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Tag Archives: DesignMyst

Drawing I Midterm

I know I’ve been away lately, but I’ll be back as soon as my mid-terms are over. I have a ton of work to do and I can’t get a break. I didn’t even get to celebrate my birthday.

Oct. 15th just incase you were wondering 😉

Between school, baby, house, and both blogs, forgive me if I put something on the back-burn for a little while.

Believe me you are all always on my mind.

I’ve been annoying everyone by taking video’s and pictures of everything I’m working on for you to see!

My Drawing One Mid-term is in an hour, and I’m so nervous. I have 22 drawings –some HW, some process, and some class work– to show my professors.

Here are some of my Midterm drawings,

By: Hiba Abdelqader, Skeleton

By: Hiba Abdelqader, Still life drawing

Hope your week is better that mine,