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Procrastinating…so I blog!

I’m currently running away from a paper that I have to write.

Ohh and if you haven’t guessed it’s due tomorrow!!

*takes a moment to freak out*

Then *breathes*

Seriously, I could write stories all day long but,

I Hate writing School Papers!!!

Haven’t written one since spring of 08, I think!!

Last paper I’ve written was “What Makes a Building Iconic” for my Architecture History class at USF,

and by the way, it was a 5000 level course, so it was a 15 page paper *ahhhhhhh*

*composes self* *closes eyes and says “Woosa!”*

For some reason, a 7oo word paper is totally causing me to hyperventilate and I don’t know why!

I’ve been avoiding it for two weeks now and I’m out of time.

So I stupidly decide to blog instead…Charming!

This is only one of the things I have to do today.

I have a character interview that I have to compose, which was due yesterday. I’ve only read 8 pages of the novel so I need to get my reading on, but must write paper first.

My house is totally upside down. I feel like I’m in an episode of Buried Alive

*totally kidding*

*geesh you believe anything*

Just a little mess, but I’m annoyed by that so must clean, or hide mess from view until later time ;p

ohh and the usual cooking, and taking care of baby stuff!!

Wish me luck

*baby crying*

baby’s up…must go concur the day!

What do you do to stay away from procrastinating? What’s on your plate lately?